Monday, July 30, 2007

Maria Carta ::: Canti popolari della Sardegna - Chelu e mare

originally posted by arboribus
many thanks, discovered through janas at SFRP forum
The late Maria Carta was the best known Sardinian artist

01 Ballu
02 Ninnia a Gesus
03 A su fogu
04 Dies irae
05 Fizu, su coru
06 Tralallera
07 Fa diesis “Acco su fogu”
08 Nuoresa
09 A ninnia
10 Ave Maria
11 Muttos ’e amore
12 Corsicana
13 Chelu e mare
14 Sonos ’e memoria
15 Disisperada, a mama mia
16 Cantu in re “A bezzos ’e iddha mia”
17 Ave Maria “Deus ti salvet Maria”
18 Tralallera ’e campidanu

1992 • Music of the world CD 12506

Canti popolari della Sardegna
Canti popolari della Sardegna cover scans
Canti popolari della Sardegna
Canti popolari della Sardegna cover scans


Anonymous said...

Hi Danny,

it is great to see that I could provide something interesting enough for this blog. Actually, it wasn't provided by myself, but ripped and upped by a nice man called Francesco - I just happened to encourage him, so it landed on my blog. As you might have recognized, I cross-posted one of the albums from here too (the Tenores de Orosei), so it makes me feel releaved now that you got something from me too, I don't feel like stealing anymore ;-) Watch out for the upcoming compilation of Future Queens Vol. 8, which will contain one song from Elsa Albonico's working songs, which you posted here.

VacadaRisasOs said...

Grazie molto da questo album

Gül said...

That's a fantastic blog! I have downloaded many albums. I have a request. Can you range your albums according to months? Following the new albums are difficult for me.
Thank you again for this useful blog.
Visit mine

Anonymous said...

quello che stavo cercando, grazie