Thursday, December 10, 2009

Canzoniere grecanico salentino ::: Pizzica pizzica

Canzoniere grecanico salentino is the first folk group to have been formed in Puglia. It has been active since 1975 and has always attended all musical events in connection with the folk subcultures.
The band promotes a new circulation of popular communication in the contemporary situation: not falling back on the past and tradition, not searching defensively a lost identity; not a “nostalgic-archaeological” recovery but a process of independent expression.
Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino is rich in suggestions: from the great energy of the pizzica pizzica (the typical dance of Salento) to the sweetness of Salento love songs, from the merriness of the typical southern Italy brass band to an ironic look on the themes of modern age.
Respecting one of the most peculiar habit of popular culture, Canzoniere transmits today its experience and knowledge from father to son, from generation to generation, following the practice of the oral transmission faithfully.
Skill, commitment and experience are recognized to Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino in national and international field; Canzoniere frequently collaborates with TV and radio programmes dedicated to folk music, it has also appeared in many films and the songs have been used for their soundtracks

Daniele Durante: guitar, meloeon, mandolin, vocals
Mauro Durante: tamburieddhu, violin
Doriano Longo: violin, viella
Roberto Gemma: accordion
Antonio Sperti: clarinet, ciaramella, surdulina
Laura Nascosto: castnets
Maria Mazzotta: vocals
Rossella Pinto: vocals

01 Se parte e se partiu - pizzica di Aradeo
02 Ahi lu core meu - pizzica di Ugento
03 Domenica mattina - pizzica di Copertino
04 Maritate zitella - pizzica di S. Pietro in Lama
05 Canzune alla rovescia - pizzica di Campi
06 Cala la capu - pizzica di artano
07 Lu monacu - pizzica di Nardè
08 Comu aggiu fare - pizzica di Cutrufiano
09 Nu pizzicu - pizzica di Muro
10 Comu l'argentu - pizzica di Sannicola
11 Pizzica tarantata – omaggio al maestro L. Stifani

2001 • selfproduction

Pizzica pizzica


Anonymous said...

File Not Available.

cianfulli said...

try again, please
I tried and suceeded in without problem

Ananonymous said...

What the above poster meant to say, I'm sure, is "THANK YOU".

As always!