Friday, October 15, 2010

Ritmia ::: Forse il mare

The truly wonderful Italian/Sardinian quartet of Riccardo Tesi, Alberto Balia, Enrico Frongia and Daniele Craighead, first published in 1986.  Maybe the most effective attempt at making European traditional music accessible to the modern listener without pop, rock or drum & bass

Alberto Balia: acoustic, electric. battente guitars, electric bass, clarínet, benas, Jew's harp, vocals
Riccardo Tesi: melodeons, tamburelli
Enrico Frangia: voice, acoustic guitar, rattles
Daniele Craighead: soprano sax, reed flute, recorder, rototom, Jew's harp, synthetizer, castanets

01 La stella e la luna
02 Serenata mare
03 Siscari
04 Adieu Adieu/Moresca nuziale

1986 • New Tone 6726 2 • Robi droli RD003 • Snatch'd from oblivion SFO 004

> 192 kbps VBR

Forse il mare


Anonymous said...

Riccardo Tesi has become one of my favorite musicians.

I would never have heard of him were it not for this blog. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this. I bought this vinyl LP more than 20 years ago after seeing Riccardo Tesi at Sidmouth and later at a gig in Berkshire, UK with John Kirkpatrick and a third melodeon player whose name I forget. forse il mare is still one of my favourite albums of all time.

Vince O'Farrell

mike said...

This is my favourite album of all time, it full of joy. I only have a copy on tape though, I'd really love to get a digital copy but I can't find it anywhere ....


Anonymous said...


Rod Stradling's Musical Traditions does the Feldmay CD reissue here:
