Thursday, June 17, 2010

Riccardo Tesi ::: Presente remoto

The repertoire of Presente Remoto concert focuses on the new compositions from the album and proposes variegated evocative atmospheres roaming from italian world music to jazz, songwriter’s pieces and more classical sound.
For this project Tesi has formed a new line-up, a sextet composed by himself, two well-known members of Banditaliana – Claudio Carboni on sax and Maurizio Geri (guitar and vocals) – and the contribution of Marco Fadda on percussions, Stefano Melone (vocals and keyboards) and Damiano Puliti on cello.
In addition to the base sextet, some occasional guests are envisaged to take part in the concerts, such as the string quintet Archaea, florentine singer songwriter Ginevra di Marco, sardinian singer Elena Ledda, jazz clarinetist Gabriele Mirabassi and french mandolin player Patrick Vaillant.

Riccardo Tesi: melodeon
Maurizio Geri: guitars
Claudio Carboni: saxes
Stefano Cocco Cantini: sax
Gavino Murgia: sax
Daniele Sepe: sax
Gabriele Mirabassi: clarinet
Nico Gori: bass clarinet
Carlo Mariani: launeddas
Emiliano Li Castro: Jew’s harp
Patrick Vaillant: mandolin
Pietro Leveratto: double bass
Marco Fadda: percussion
Ettore Bonafè: percussion, vibraphone
Alessandro Di Puccio: percussion, vibraphone
Anita Tesi: rattles
Stefano Bollani: piano
Mirko Guerrini: piano
Elena Ledda: vocals
Ginevra Di Marco: vocals
Gianmaria Testa: vocals
Quintetto Archea:
Damiano Puliti: cello
Marcello Puliti: viola
Vieri Bugli: violin
Mauro Fabbrucci: violin
Filippo Pedol: double bass
Stefania Liori, Lulli Lostia & Elisabetta Delogu: vocals

01 Accorsa
02 Tango di buona speranza
03 Prata e oru
04 Terras de sonos
05 Leldorado
06 Mareggiata
07 La musica che gira intorno
08 Marock
09 L'ora del tè
10 La marcia dei criceti
11 La città vecchia
12 Sabbie immobili
13 Jazzy
14 Il primo bacio

2007 • Il Manifesto CD183

Presente remoto


zeporro said...

vi ringrazio cianfulli disco molto da Riccardo Tesi.
vedere gli artisti che collaborano sul disco è impossibile per chi non ama sentirla.
un saluto.

Anonymous said...

The links on Megaupload appear to be not functioning. The download gets to 9.1 MB of 125 MB and then STOPS! It has done this several times over the past few days. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hi! caio come stai!
I was wondering if you are familiar with the younger generation of Italian musicians? I am thinking of people such as Dario Petucco, Massimo Ranieri, Barbara Gobbi, and many others.
Most are northern (Bologna, Florence, etc.) Dario is a guitarist as is Sandro Giannoni. I also have corresponded with the girl who plays with "Thelma and Louise" who are a female duo(mostly) around the Bologna region.